
Wisdom is the intellectual freedom to take rational decisions, acquired through learning, research and experience. It provides the ability to distinguish truth from illusions.


Academy is the place to nurture learning and research, through intellectual experience. It is derived from the word ‘akademeia’ in Greek, which refers to the gymnasium created as a centre of learning by the great philosopher Plato.  Today, it refers to the Universities of higher learning as well as the institutes of frontier research. As a collective term, the word refers to the community of scholars/students and faculties/professors engaged in higher education and research. A scholar who joins the Academy as a student undergoes a series of intellectual experiences such as learning through courses, guidance from faculty, researching in labs, attending seminars in symposium, presenting papers in conferences, publishing papers in journals, attaining mastery in the research discipline. A faculty who joins the academy as a Professor would set up his own research lab, do research in his own area of interest, offer courses to students, guide a group of students, establish himself as a frontier researcher through his breakthrough research ideas, and offer plenary talks in conferences, review research papers. In academy, both the scholar and the faculty come together as an academic for a enriched intellectual experience of learning and research to acquire wisdom. Thus, Academy is the way to wisdom.

Any academy/institute may have a hierarchy structure as shown, mainly for administering purposes.

Faculty Faculty of Science
  Faculty of Engineering
    Mechanical Division
Electrical Division
  Mechanical Department
Civil Department
Research Group
  -Fracture Mechanics

-Fluid MEMS

-Nano Technology

-Structural Engg

-Soil Engg

Category Head
Institute Council of member, Director, Assistant directors
Faculty Dean
Division Chairman of Division
Department Chairman of Department
Research Group Professor/Associate Professor/ Assistant professor
In academics, all the faculty/scholars work together without discrimination for a same cause of scientific progress. 

The research should be academic driven rather than industry driven.

Research Counselling
Scientific Disciplines
Research Methodology
- Novel Research Ideas
- Research Investigation
- Research Formalities
- Way to Wisdom
- Knowledge Sharing