Research Methodology
Formal Academic research

1. Learning of fundamentals is necessary in research. A scholar is considered to be fit for formal academic research only after obtaining a Masters’ degree. Thesis work carried out at Masters’ level is intended to gives the student a flavor of conducting research investigation.

2. A formal research investigation always starts with reading technical literature available to date in a specific area of ones own interest.

3. To identify what has not been explored in the current literature so that research can be carried out in that direction. This step becomes the motivation for researching the phenomenon left unexplored.

4. Choosing the research technique.

5. Problem formulation, Design of experiments, learning (developing skills to use) appropriate simulation tools.

6. Generation of results.

7. Interpretation of results.

8. Modification or improvements.

9. Documentation

10. Publication

The research investigation is scholar centered. The scholar has enough freedom chose his own research technique depending on his interest. Each scholar is encouraged to utilize Theoretical or Experimental technique as compared to numerical simulation.

Formal industrial research

1. Identifying research objectives for product/process development.

2. Choosing the appropriate research personnel/team

3. Providing sufficient training program to the personnel.

4. Employing individual researchers with specific research objective.

5. Carrying out the research investigation.

6. Collecting, assembling and interpretation of all the results.

7. Modification or improvements.

8. Documentation.

9. Implementation of the research finding to improve product/service development.

10. Patenting the confidential research findings.

11. Publishing the non-confidential findings thru appropriate journals/conferences.

The research investigation is always industry centered. Collaboration with academic universities by providing enough research funds is also common. Numerical simulations substantiated with experiments are most preferred. Theory is least preferred except for bench marking the numerical codes.

Informal Private research

Any individual, who does not have formal education but having enough interest in Science, may carryout private research at his own cost. Unless having a genius inside him it would be difficult to carry out rigorous research investigation. Although history has seen a lot of great scientists who has not had a formal education, scientific programs to nurture the interests of such individuals is very less. Also, the contribution fails to reach the scientific community unless the research investigation is found to be an outstanding one.
Research Counselling
Scientific Disciplines
Research Methodology
- Novel Research Ideas
- Research Investigation
- Research Formalities
- Way to Wisdom
- Knowledge Sharing