Research Methodology
Techniques of Research Investigation

Any research investigation can be categorized as theoretical, experimental and computational based on the techniques used for analysis. In practice, a result obtained through one of the above techniques needs to be substantiated with another one for validation. These techniques are in fact complementary to each other and have their own advantages and limitations.

Theoretical analysis:

An investigation carried out based on abstract thinking followed by analytical reasoning utilizing mathematical techniques where ever possible, is termed theoretical. Such an investigation helps to arrive at an analytical model of real world phenomenon. Observation of natural events has always inspired the great minds to come up with great theoretical results. Ideal and simplified cases are analyzed to avoid complications; however, the analysis will be extended towards more realistic situation if possible. Theoretical investigations are the most difficult ones demanding a great analytical expertise. Although theoretical results are the most preferred unless validated the results are always suspected. 

Experimental analysis:

An investigation carried out based on experimentation followed by logical reasoning of the results obtained is termed experimental. Although costly and time consuming, experimental results obtained represent the reality more than 0other two techniques. Experimental results are never suspected except for the fact that the investigation is prone to experimental errors. Nevertheless such an experimental analysis is often substantiated with computational analysis either to extend the scope or to reduce the cost. The results are very specific and the utilization of the results to a different set is always questionable.

Computational/Numerical Analysis:

A recent addition to the other two techniques of research investigation is Computational/Numerical Analysis. In this technique a scientific phenomenon or a process is modeled as a numerical/computer simulation which demands a heavy numerical computation.  This technique is possible only in the last few decades, owing to the rapid increasing power to carry out extensive numerical calculation with the help of high speed computers. Although utilizing a minimum theoretical background this method emphasizes more on numerical calculation. Accuracy of the results is always suspected unless validated with bench mark solutions obtained through theoretical analysis. Although considered to be inferior to other two techniques this has become most useful to substantiate theoretical and experimental results.
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Research Methodology
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