Research Counselling - An Introduction

Unlike the history has ever seen before, scientific research is being celebrated higher than any other profession in this century. There are thousands of academic universities spread all over the world contributing to scientific development. The academic universities encourage international interaction and collaboration irrespective of the political, economical, religious and geological differences that exist between the countries across the world.

The total number of papers (journal articles) published in peer reviewed scientific journals by the faculties and research scholars working in academic universities, mainly determines research output of a community/country. The faculties of universities namely the Professors along with the Research students are the major contributors to scientific research output, as experienced in the earlier centuries. Professors have genuine interest in scientific research and are self motivated to pursue research. They come up with brilliant ideas which explore the mysteries of the nature and have influenced our way of life. Students having regular academic record up to master?s degree, if interested to pursue research would register for a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy)  degree. The students start practicing research as amateurs under the guidance of professors and learn from them the methodology, ethics and significance of academic research. Soon after, a student would develop enough confidence to work individually and come up with results based upon his own ideas which would fetch him the degree. Graduated students having good opportunities might continue to work with eminent researchers in other universities. Finally they would obtain a faculty positions such as ?Assistant Professor?, ?Associate Professor? and ?Professor? in various universities and continue the legacy of their teachers.

Alternatively, a graduated student may prefer to join research establishments of industries rather than academic universities. Although Research and development sector of various industries also contribute significantly to applied research/industrial research, only few of their research findings are published in journals. Most of the research findings of research establishments are either filed as patents or kept confidential owing to the policies of the establishments, and hence not openly shared among the scientific community.

The total percentage of public people who pursue research is at present very less in spite of the efforts of academic universities mainly because of the lack of awareness of the various opportunities and also due to negligence and ignorance.  Most of the degree holders at master level prefer to be a manager at production industries rather than to pursue research. However this change in the situation that more and more students should opt for continuing research is the need of the day.

There is a small percentage of public who have not acquired a regular academic degree but pursue research at their own cost which is what called as the private research. They usually have limited opportunities and financial constraints as compared to their counterpart in academic universities and hence have a limited scope. On the other hand, once they come up with a brilliant idea there is no bar against them to publish papers and if published it would be considered equally important as any other research paper. It should be remembered that Albert Einstein a high school drop out working as a clerk in patent office went to become the most celebrated scientist the history has ever seen.

The public is gradually started recognizing the importance of research. There is a huge number of opportunities in pursuing research for every person who has enough interest in research.  Here we have intended to provide the users with the information of  available opportunities in various fields of research. Our major intention is to offer Research counselling and Research Guidance to amateur researchers in identifying a research field/topic to work on. Also we offer to provide assistance to professional researchers in preparing the manuscript for publication.
Research Counselling
Scientific Disciplines
Research Methodology
- Novel Research Ideas
- Research Investigation
- Research Formalities
- Way to Wisdom
- Knowledge Sharing
- Tools
- Services